Monday, April 25, 2011

Beast Link

  This story is an alternate version of a dream I had a couple of years ago. It's original story was about a boy and his girlfriend who brought in to a strange lab by the boy's father/uncle. Their amazement in the area quickly disappears when they are being chased by a beast that escaped from it's cage. At the end of the dream though the couple was able to escape unharmed.
  The changes in the story was inspired by Gobelins; a French animation academy that makes short, simple but amazing animations. They inspired me to make the short version of this over night adventure. And out of all of the adventure dreams I had since I was 5, this is one of my favorites cause it's one of the few dreams that had a leading male (a.k.a. not in MY point of view). And the fact that most of the Gobelins' stories are chase scene, which just made me remember this story even more.